Friday, 23 January 2009

Spring 1 Overview

Year 6 Area of Study Outline Spring Term 1

Key Areas of Study

Estimate, name and draw angles at a point and in a triangle.
Add and subtract 4 digit numbers.
Add and subtract decimals.
Increase ability to multiply and divide whole numbers.
Increase ability to multiply and divide decimals.
Read, understand and interpret texts linked to a range of food and healthy eating issues.
Read, understand and interpret texts associated with World War Two and rationing.
Recipe writing.
Instructional writing.
Healthy eating presentation.
World War Two role play.
Understand how micro-organisms feed, grow and reproduce.
Understand how micro-organisms can cause disease and how this can be prevented.
Understand how microorganisms can be useful.
Foundation Subjects
ICT- World War Two/Rationing power point presentation
MUSIC- Composing, performing and appraising a ‘Blitz’ inspired composition.
DT- Super Salads.
HISTORY- Comparing life in the 1940s and the 1990s with a focus on rationing.
GAMES- Health, fitness and well being. Small sided, non-competitive games.
INDOOR GAMES- Circuit training sessions.
WELSH- Vocabulary linked to food, eating, likes and dislikes.
GEOG/ART/RE- Blocked for next half term.