Monday, 8 September 2014

Welcome to Year 6 2014/15!

Welcome back, we hope you’ve had a fantastic summer!

Please find below important information for the year ahead.
J7 - Miss Spackman
J8 - Miss Morgan
J9 - Mr Williams

This term our topic is Heroes and Villains. This topic has a History focus, with children learning about Heroes and Villains from the past and present. During this topic children will be writing newspaper reports and play-scripts. Children will learn about famous Welsh stars and will be encouraged to use their internet researching skills to find out more information about heroes and villains.

There will not be a school trip during this topic, but instead the children will be meeting the Paralympic athlete Rhys Jones.
During indoor PE, children should wear black or navy shorts with a t-shirt (house colours) or leotard.

During outside PE, children should wear shorts/ tracksuit bottoms, a house
t-shirt and trainers.

Long hair should be tied back and earrings should be taken out or not worn on the day of PE.
J7: Indoor PE - Monday
     Outdoor PE - Friday
J8 & J9: Indoor PE - Tuesday
            Outdoor PE - Thursday

Children will be reading with the teacher once a week as part of a guided group reading session. We encourage each child to read at home every day for at least 15 minutes.
The children have been provided with homework books and can cover/decorate them as they wish. Every Monday the children will be given both English and Maths homework to be completed by the Friday. The children should stick their homework in their homework book in order to keep it safe.
Some weeks the children may be asked to complete topic homework and this should be presented neatly in their homework books.
Children are also encouraged to learn their times tables and spellings given as this will assist them in literacy and numeracy lessons.
Morning Routine
In the mornings please can children (or parents) not enter the building before 9am.
The school now has a Twitter page which is updated with key school events and dates. Please follow us: @pontyclunpri 
If you have any questions about year 6, please don’t hesitate to ask.
Many thanks,
Year 6 Teachers