Friday, 28 November 2008

A letter by James Henry Trotter (Alias Juliet)

2 Misery road
Hated hill
South England

Dear Katie,
I am afraid to tell you but my parents have been eaten by a
Rhino. You see I was golden hearted, on top of the world with a wonderful
House and crystal water on the sand when my parents were alive. Then they went shopping in London centre. Then out of nowhere, a Rhino came.

I was afraid, very afraid .I came home to find my lovely house sold and I was going to be sent away, sent away from my life to a dark dark place, here. I cant explain how unloved, unwanted, terrible and simply heartbroken I feel

I now live with my uncaring aunts, aunt sponge and aunt spike. They have
Destroyed my life and feed me nothing but fish heads. I am dressed in
Scruffy, horrid and torn clothes. They treat me like a slave, they call me
A useless little rat. My room is as bare as a prison cell, black and cold.

My heart is stone cold, every day I wake up to no breakfast apart from sponge and spike yelling” do this do that”,. What will I waste away to? How long will I
Live for? I just need some one to save me. I feel like a little, tiny ant that has
Been stepped on but has lived I wished I didn’t. I am tangled in a rope but the rope is never ending and I can’t get out. Please help, please.

Yours sincerely,

James Henry Trotter.

1 comment:

  1. Who wrote this letter? They used really good language!
