Saturday 4 December 2010

Try these:

5 metres=______millimetres
500 000cm = ________km

Sarah rolls five balls into holes to score points,
She scores 30, 80, 50 and 40.
What is Sarah's total score?

2639+ 895 =
4.7+5.2 =

Some oranges weigh 5 1/2Kg
1500grams of oranges are taken away.
What is the weight in grams of the oranges that are left?

9382-5oo6 =
8.5 - 5.9 =

A,B and C are angles in a triangle.
Complete this statement.
A + B + C = _____________

A theatre has 7658 tickets for a concert.
5992 tickets are sold.
How many tickets are left unsold?

Complete each statement.
a)_____ is a common multiple of 2, 10 and 7.
b) The smallest common multiple of 4 and 7 is _____.

Fill in the missing numbers.
a) ___________x 1000 x 10 = 7500
b)___________Divided by 10 divided by 100 divided by 10 = 0.08

Fill in the missing numbers.
a) (36 divided by ___) x 5 = 20
b) (6 x 5) divided by ____ = 10

1 comment:

  1. Hello,
    With the home work I was a bit confused, didden't we do that in maths on friday?
