Thursday 25 March 2010

Today was BLAST OFF day, and the crowds gathered in excitement. There was almost a technical disaster before we even started when Mrs Davies discovered that her husband had taken part of the rocket launcher to his school to do the same activity (imagine the scenes in the Davies' household this morning). Then, during a practice launch, a rocket very nearly landed on the garage of 59 Cowbridge Road! Each rocket uses a specific attachment, so it was vital that we didn't lose any rockets into surrounding gardens, up trees, or onto roof tops!

The children and staff enjoyed watching Mrs Davies sweat while trying to work the hand pump!

The rockets went really high! Honestly!

Before each launch, the children performed their BLAST OFF music.

Several rockets landed on the roof of the Cabin, but thankfully Miss Harwood has passed her Health and Safety course in 'Ladder Climbing', and was able to put her skills to good use!

A big thank you to Mrs S Davies for helping with the fiddly bits of the rockets, and Miss Davies for taking the photos (but not the videos, as you will see when I post them later.....I wish she had chosen a different angle).

All of the children have worked really hard this week, so I have awarded every group a prize.
BLAST OFF - Best rocket design.
REACH FOR THE STARS - Best interior and exterior plan.
SPACE SAYS SCIENCE - Best passenger list.
THE GIRLS SPACE ROCKET - Most original name.
THE GIRLS SPACE CRAFT - Best use of feathers.
THE ROCKEERS - Coolest music.
R.P.G. - Best Blast Off song.
BIG BADDA BOOM - Best explosion.
RAGING ROCKETS - Best drummers/sound effects.
THE TROUBLESOME 4 - Best presentation.
STARSTRUCK - Best flight but biggest problem to get off the roof!!!!!!!
All the groups did really well, but the ultimate winners were BLAST OFF!
Well done to everyone. I had a good week, I hope that you did too!

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