Tuesday 1 December 2009

Today we were set the challenge to write an interesting story starter.

These story starters were based on the role plays we wrote and performed last week about children's experiences during WW2.

First of all we discussed the elements of a good story starter.

We all agreed that the start of a story should make the reader want to find out more.

It should show emotion, empathy, be

atmospheric and use interesting vocabulary.
We worked in our Talking Partners.

Firstly we discussed our own SUCCESS CRITERIA.

Then we spent 15 minutes writing and re-drafting our story starter, to make sure we achieved our SUCCESS CRITERIA.

We use the TICKLED PINK and GREEN FOR GROWTH assessment strategy.

We read out our SUCCESS CRITERIA to the class, followed by our story starters. The other groups then had to decide whether we had met our success criteria, and celebrate the good parts of our story starters and offer constructive ideas for improvement.

Here is a story starter written by Charlie and Mercedes.

SUCCESS CRITERIA: To plan a detailed story starter that grabs
the readers attention.


'Numbers 1602 and 1603,' called the man in the unfamiliar school hall.
I held Annie close.
'It will be O.K.' I comforted her.
I could feel the fear clawing away at me like a cat at a scratching post. There, stood in front of us, was the most terrifying, humongous giant of a man I had ever set eyes on. Next to him stood a hound so blood curling, my heart skipped a beat. This was the man we were now going to be sharing a home with!

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