Wednesday 26 May 2010

This afternoon we celebrated Sports Day. The last one for Year 6!

We began with the sprint.

Followed by the sack race.

The bean bag race.

Cross country.

Come on...put some effort into it!

The 'Throw'.

Who ever said girls can't throw hasn't met our champion!

Great support for each team.

Hairdressing is a new event.

The mums all enjoyed. (Sean..are you pretending to be a dad to infiltrate the Dad's Race by any chance?)

The relay.

Mum's Race. (Sarah Guildford looking very young to be a mum!!)

Dad's Race. (I only taught you a few years ago Sean! Your mum looks far too young for grandchildren!)

Final relay of the day.

Year 6 Girl's Relay winners.

Year 6 Boy's Relay winners.

Mixed Relay winners.

Celebrations as Clun win the day!

Well done Clun.


  1. Iam really really glad clun won
    come on clun!!!!!!

    jessica matthews xx

  2. AaaaaaRrrrrrrrEeeeeeeee
    i look really really bad in the last picture
    jessica matthewsxx

  3. The cross country was soooooooooo tiring.On the 2nd lap down the race track,I almost puked because I needed so much air.

  4. u can c corey dropping his batton! ha ha ha !!!!

    - Ben.A

  5. Eww Mahrooshay!!! Gross lol I Liked this I was going to speed up a little at the last 100m but I couldnt I Was So Tired!!! haha x

    Jenna xoxo

  6. Clun are the champions! Well done everybody. I'm going to miss Sports Day next year!

    Bethan Evans

  7. Mahrooshay - the Cross Country wasn't long enough - it should have been another lap.

    Bethan Evans

  8. Ben Davies J7 14/10/982 June 2010 at 08:00

    Looking GOOOOOOOOOd COrey LOOOKING gooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooog

  9. yeah clun won again!!!!!!!!

  10. CLUN HAVE WON 2 YEARS IN A ROW AND TAF HAVE NEVER EVER WON SPORTS DAY!!!!!!!Next year miss i want to hear that either taf or elai have won sports day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
