Friday 15 October 2010

Later this afternoon we tested our boats.

Each group was called up in turn to put their boat on the water.

Mr Williams then put weights on their boat (50g a time), to find out how much they could hold.

Our results in reverse order were:

Paradise Shore had that sinking feeling as they sank straight away!

Sea Blue carried 50g.

Titanic 2 carried 50g.

Vital Motors carried 50g.

Deep Blue carried 100g.

Cellotape carried 150g.

Brittania Rules carried 150g.

Blackops carried 200g.

Titanic 3 carried 250g.

S.C.S. carried 250g.

Smiley Faced Dynamite carried 300g.

J.B. carried 300g

Bigfoot carried 400g.

The Black Panther carried 500g.

Mary Rose 2 carried 500g.

L.R.C. carried 550g.

Aqua Shadow carried 600g.

Princess Zoom carried 850g

Great Empress carried 850g.


  1. our boat did the best it held 50g wow!!!!!

    It was really fun today!

    Caitlin x

  2. deep blue only carried 50g ellie

  3. i really enjoyed this experiment it was really fun!!!!! from charlotte x

  4. i enjoyed the experiment even
    though are groups boat only carried

    Naomi Jasmin Reid

  5. our boat didnt only hold 50g caitlin it was 300 g

