Tuesday 17 November 2009

Tomorrow Mr and Mrs Williams (Mrs Davies's parents), are coming into school to talk to us about life for children before and during World War Two. We will use the information they give us in our Power point presentations.
Today we were given the chance to improve our HISTORICAL ENQUIRY skills. We also used Thinking and Communication skills. We will use ICT when putting the information we gather into our presentations.
We had to generate some interesting questions to ask our visitors.
We revisited what we have already learned about the war by discussion and looking on the Blog.
We used the SNOWBALLING technique to think up some questions in pairs. We then returned to our groups, shared our questions and decided on our favourite ten. We then wrote these down in preparation for tomorrow's 'question time.'
Here are some of our questions:
Did you grow your own food?
Did you have any evacuees?
Did you have to wear a gas mask?
Did you only have half a day at school because of the air raid shelter restrictions?
What sorts of food did you miss during the war?
What was it like to have evacuees in your village?
Were you able to go on holiday when the war was on?
Did you know anyone who died in the war?
Can you think of any more questions before tomorrow?

1 comment:

  1. i would be scared with those gas masks on from RhysDaBom
